Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we do. We are experts in second language acquisition theories and practices, and we are constantly up-to-date with new research in this field of knowledge. We offer a CBI Overview Workshop that serves as an introduction to this approach. If you want to go deeper in the 4 CBI elements, we have a workshop that focuses on Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Practices (CLSP) and Second Language Acquisition Hypotheses. Finally, we offer a workshop that focuses on Instructional Methods and Diversified Support. Call us for more details.
Because our services are customized to your school district or campus needs, first we need to meet (in person, remotely, or by phone) to discuss your specific needs. To make a more accurate quote, sometimes, we also review teachers’ and students’ data, your bilingual model implementation, and short-term plans. Contact us if you need a quote.
The content, delivery, and length of our workshops can be customized to the specific needs of your district. For example, the same workshop can be adapted to be presented during teachers’ PLCs (45-60 minutes), after school during a faculty meeting (1-2 hours), in the morning or in the afternoon only (3 hours), or during a professional development day (6 hours).
All our workshops can be delivered in person (face-to-face) or remotely (virtual).
We deliver our workshops customized to your needs. For example, we have delivered workshops after school hours (4:00 - 7:00 pm), before instructional time (6:30 - 7:30 am), on Saturdays (8:30 - 3:30 pm or AM only, 8:30 - 11:30 am). Contact us to discuss the delivery options available for your needs.
We have an extensive portfolio of workshops for secondary teachers. We have learned from our experience that it’s better to customize and deliver secondary workshops per content area. Our portfolio for secondary teachers is divided in General Workshop, ELA, math, science, and social studies workshops. Our newest workshops target CTE (Career and Technical Education) teachers.
The first step in our reflective coaching is to analyze teachers’ practices through structured clinical classroom observations. Next, we examine teachers’ lesson plans and review instructional artifacts created by teachers and students. With this data we create a coaching plan that is tailored to the teachers’ identified needs.
If requested, model lessons are included as part of the teachers’ capacitation as well as the delivering of instruction in a co-teaching approach.
We help those teachers in multiple ways. For example, we train them in the essentials of dual language models and encourage them to start using some of those essentials, such as color coding by language of instruction. We demonstrate for them, for instance, the creation and use of traveling bilingual anchor charts, bilingual content word words, and cognates. An area that we heavily work with these teachers is in the use of strategies for cross-linguist connections.
Yes. We have helped districts develop a dual language curriculum based on the type of immersion model they have selected. For districts that already have a dual language implementation, we have enhanced their curriculum and the actual implementation of the program.
Implementing dual language immersion programs is one of our specialties. We have designed and planned the replacement of subtractive bilingual programs, as the early- and late-exit transitional programs, with additive models, such as one- or two-way dual language immersion programs. Contact us if you want to hear the details of the replacement process.