Educational Technical Assistance

At the district level, Dr. Y’s educational technical assistance is offered to superintendents, executive leadership teams, chief academic officers, multilingual or bilingual/ESL department executive directors or coordinators, multilingual specialists, or to other administrators who oversee the academic and linguistic performance of EBs.

The technical assistance may include, but is not limited to:

  • In a small setting with the district leadership and other stakeholders, relevant topics are addressed which are related to the instruction and performance of EBs, such as second language acquisition theories, effective bilingual programs, biliteracy instructional practices, consistency in program implementation, family and community involvement, and sociocultural competences.
  • Enhancing the current implementation of the district bilingual transitional programs.
  • Designing and planning the replacement of subtractive bilingual programs (ex. early- and late-exit bilingual transitional programs) with additive bilingual programs (one- or two-way dual language programs.)
  • Planning the implementation of new Dual language programs at the district level.
  • Analyzing and developing curriculum for instructional programs that serve EBs, such as transitional bilingual programs, ESL, and dual language programs.
  • Strengthening the relationship between the school district and the families of EBs by increasing family and community involvement and participation.

At the campus level, Dr. Y’s educational technical assistance is offered to principals, assistant principals, literacy coaches/specialists, content specialists, and team leaders.

The technical assistance may include, but is not limited to:

  • In a small setting with the campus leadership team, addressing, reviewing, or clarifying relevant topics related to the instruction and performance of EBs, such as second language acquisition theories, effective bilingual strategies and activities, consistency in program implementation, family and community involvement, and sociocultural competences.
  • Enhancing the campus implementation of the current bilingual program.
  • Performing reflective coaching and job-embedded capacitation to teachers, individually, per grade level, or per program participation.
  • Creating a campus staff development plan based on outcomes from reflective coaching and job-embedded training performed on teachers.
  • Discussing the use of effective assessment for EBs.
  • Planning and facilitating family involvement activities including parent meetings.