Our team of certified practitioners will help customize and deliver quality instruction for your school or district.
25+ years of success equipping educators of Emergent Bilinguals.
Our talented and skilled professionals will help customize and deliver quality instruction for your school or district.
“Three years ago, we started the dual language program in Splendora ISD, and I was looking for an experienced consultant to guide us in this endeavor. Dr. Yacovodonato was highly recommended for this project. Over the years, his expertise has helped us maintain our dual language program in multiple ways, for example, with one-to-one coaching as well as with professional development that have grown all our teachers in the program. Our dual language teachers love the presentations done by him or by any of his other consultants.”
“It was great to meet you yesterday to debrief at the end of the day! I heard from the teachers that the model lessons were great!
“Having you on our campus has positively impacted my teaching in different ways. Firstly, my view on the linguistic delivery of my instruction. Secondly, pedagogical practice and thirdly, the merge of linguistic delivery within our new CKLA and Eureka curriculum. One way my instruction was impacted is my ability to distinguish the delivery of the language within our content; This has made my students improve their English without losing time in my content instruction…. As one of my colleagues put it , "’the implementation of Dr. Y's practice in our language delivery has truly impacted my students to orally discuss our Eureka word problems’... Your expertise will be missed. With your expert modeling you were able to unlock the knowledge and skills that I already possessed in linguistic delivery toward my Emergent Bilingual students but had remained untapped.”